Gardening with Kids

By: Justin Spittal If you’re anything like me right now you’re stuck at home, trying to keep a presence at work, accepting your new home-school teacher accreditation, and keeping the house from constantly looking like you left your windows open during a hurricane. Your friends and co-workers without school age kids are getting those home projects finally done that they’ve been sitting on for the past 5 years. Either that, […]

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Spring 2020 What’s Going on in the Garden

By Renee Godfrey Quillin The onset of Spring arises with longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures to break winter dormancy and promote early blooming plants to graciously emerge. At this point we are well on our way into winter cutbacks followed by spring clean-up. The typical spring rain bring on the beginning of possible unwanted diseases and pets into the garden and turf which in returns begins IPM (Integrated Pest […]

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Why Mulch?

By David Zimmerman The garden season has officially started! For sure, you or your neighbors are getting ready to lay down a fresh layer of mulch on the garden beds. Almost everyone who has a landscape starts the season with this laborious task, but does anyone know why? In this article, I will dive deep into the mulch pile and demystify the science and proper practice of good mulching – […]

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Growing Degree Days

What the heck are they, and why are they important? Have you ever wondered why you’re told to apply crabgrass pre-emergent herbicide around the same time that the forsythias are in bloom?  Is it an old wives’ tale, passed on through the generations that we just take for fact?  Well, no.  There is some tried and true science behind it, along with the reason horticulturists use specific timing to scout, […]

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