Herb Gardening

By: Alex Stallings There is nothing more satisfying than cooking with fresh herbs from your own garden. Not to mention, the best thing about herbs is that you don’t need a lot of space to grow them. This makes herb gardens attractive to all types of growers, whether you are working with an acre or a window box. Herbs are perfect for container gardening, as this allows them to be […]

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Planting for Pollinators

It is nearly impossible to imagine the fresh blooms of springtime without also picturing the bumblebee buzzing about the garden, the hummingbird hovering at 80 beats per second or the monarch mud-puddling in the damp soil. In fact, without these critical pollinators in the garden, there would be few plants left for us to enjoy! According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), animal pollinators including insects, birds and […]

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