Introduction to Integrated Pest Management

Written by Kyle Hiteshew What is Integrated Pest Management? Integrated Pest Management (IMP) is an eco-system based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests and their damage, through a variety of methods, such as biological controls, habitat manipulation, changing cultural practices and the use of resistant varieties of plants. Chemical controls are carried out in the form of applications, performed only by a certified technician. Pesticides are used after […]

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Why Mulch?

By David Zimmerman The garden season has officially started! For sure, you or your neighbors are getting ready to lay down a fresh layer of mulch on the garden beds. Almost everyone who has a landscape starts the season with this laborious task, but does anyone know why? In this article, I will dive deep into the mulch pile and demystify the science and proper practice of good mulching – […]

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Contract Management Takes the Stress out of Landscape Renovations

Planning a major renovation requires a certain degree of expertise when it comes to organizing logistics while scheduling and overseeing multiple subcontractors. For most homeowners, it can be difficult to find the time to coordinate all of these moving parts. At Planted Earth, we understand our clients are busy, and that’s why we don’t just offer professional landscape installation and maintenance—we also provide clients the option for full-service contract management. […]

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Getting to Know Your Landscaper: Virgil Gomez

The rarity that is the Planted Earth experience would not be possible without the dedicated service of our employees. Luckily for our clients, few demonstrate greater expertise, perseverance on the job, and commitment to customer service than Virgil Gomez. Virgil is a turf crew supervisor and an essential backbone of Planted Earth’s maintenance division. He came to the United States at age 15 and entered the landscaping industry out of […]

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NALP Recognizes Planted Earth for Outstanding Landscape Projects

Planted Earth celebrates the reception of the 2019 National Association of Landscape Professionals Awards of Excellence for Baltimore County Residence and Chesterfield Place Residence. The success of each project has only been made possible through the meld of meticulous design, positive client relations, and the highest possible craftsmanship. Baltimore County Residence is a renowned modern landscape with a woodsy palette informed by the surrounding forest area. Now a picture-perfect meditation […]

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Planting for Pollinators

It is nearly impossible to imagine the fresh blooms of springtime without also picturing the bumblebee buzzing about the garden, the hummingbird hovering at 80 beats per second or the monarch mud-puddling in the damp soil. In fact, without these critical pollinators in the garden, there would be few plants left for us to enjoy! According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), animal pollinators including insects, birds and […]

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The Benefits of Native Gardens

One of the most highly esteemed and sought-after looks in landscaping is that of a traditional Japanese garden. What typically comes to mind when one thinks of a Japanese garden is an extravagant botanical display filled with hedged shrubs, pristine topiaries, ornamental maples, and crisp bamboo. Less known about this style of gardening, however, is that traditional Japanese gardens aim to use native plants in order to enhance the natural […]

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